Jambo journal

By IainC

Back to School

Roseburn Primary is one of many Victorian built schools in Edinburgh. For some reason a lot of them, like this one, were built from red sandstone and sit in their grand, red glory surrounded by pale sandstone tenements. Maybe the councillors of the day lived in red sandstone villas or maybe had interests in a red sandstone quarry? One thing’s for sure, I’m not researching it!
Anyway, I was at Roseburn for a Trios tenpin league match, minus our best player who’d done his back in (too much tenpin apparently) but amazingly we won all the points on offer and are pretty much clear of relegation. I came home dead chuffed!
Earlier, another couple of hours at the allotment saw the third batch of spuds planted, and the leeks relocated to make room for the final lot. I’ll be happy to move on to other planting business.

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