
By Missycat

It's Abstract Thursday!

Today's effort has produced a pattern of sorts, the theme being 'Patterns' set by our regular host Ingeborg.  My image began life as a shot of the little xylophone keys from our Christmas crackers.  The shot was then given motion blur, saturated and duplicated. One image was given a different hue then the pair rotated and made into a double exposure.  As my Extra shows, Phototastic Collages was involved and eventually I decided that only a portion of the collage looked more abstract!
In other news:  the lovely C gave me another massage this morning and once again I walked back to the car park sans stick.  Well I had to carry it, but didn't use it for support.
This afternoon I took Mr MC to his consultation with his eye surgeon and picked him up again.  The operation was a success but the eye is still a little tender so more eye drops have been prescribed.  He is booked in to have his second cataract removed later in May once we get back from our holiday.
We have both been glued to the TV at various points of the day, fascinated by the revelations that have been uncovered by the  Post Office scandal inquiry  Interesting that many former executives  can't remember, even when presented with email evidence!

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