madwill's world

By madwill


Today I learnt a new word…’gongoozle’…which means to leisurely watch the passage of boats, from the bank of a canal, lock or bridge. Gongoozler may have originated as canal workers’ slang for someone standing idle on the towpath!!

I gongoozled this pair of boats ascending a lock at Braunston. I walked there from our hotel at Staverton (Daventry) whilst Mrs madwill was sewing. I had intended to visit the ‘Gongoozlers Rest’ - a cafe in a narrowboat at Braunston Marina..however my visit was cut short by rain and I decided to walk back again - a round trip of 8.5 miles..a morning well spent.

I have added a couple of derelict extras today - one of a fabulous bit of wood and paint from the side of a narrowboat and another of a huge bit of rusty machinery which is part of the old water pumping station at the marina.

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