Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Köycegiz Lake

There seems to be miles of upgraded roads being built in this part of Turkey...just as well as the rest are pretty ropey. Seems the Highway Code here is optional too. Driving on the right is recommended (but not for motor scooters,horses or bicycles). The speed limits are just guidelines and the road markings are obviously only meant for tourists. Everyone has right of way all the time....this can lead to confusion....but as they seem to be the friendliest nation I have ever met they put up with my (obviously) bad driving and I have learned to expect the unexpected!!!

Swimming this morning and when we had the energy we headed out to this lake where we plonked ourselves down in a cafe beside the water for iced tea and pancakes.

Girls were suicidal by evening as there has been no Internet for two days. They have had to talk to one another instead! Awful!

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