Squadrons Airborne

I went back to Calgary Bay before we left Mull today, because on our previous visit, I noticed a lot of Sand Martins flying around. So today instead of scenery, which was very beautiful, I switched to Bird Photo mode.
I found the sand bank in the dunes where they were nesting, there were a lot of burrows in the wall of sand, then I sat down and waited. Within minutes the Sand Martins were flying back and forth busily going in and out of the burrow nests. These little birds are very fast, as fast as Swallows in fact. I managed to get a few shots of them and chose this one to blip. If you look hard, you will see three Martins in formation flying towards me with the centre bird peeling off. They reminded me of aircraft arial formations. So it's Tally Ho today with the manouverable Martins!

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