
By Gallopinggran


Well a UK rose too!
Last night my friend fròmThailand popped in to say hello, she was going home today. Poor lady came for 1 months holiday plus a few medical problems to settle, fell down the air craft steps on arrival in the UK ended up with het leg in plaster therfore most of her holiday curtailed . Have heard she had good treatment at the airport, now on her way home.
These gifts were from her are : :
# lovely pink rose
# Rose flower tea ( M says very gòod for you ???)
# Butterfly Pea tea ( also said to be good for you )
# Thialand made soap ( good for the skin)
This was very kind of her,
My day has been too busy today, sadly tomorrow will be the same, I just want a bit of quiet. Hope you've had a good one take care everyone .

Thank you to all the good wishes thoughts & prayers from everyone, sorry comments & replys have been short or missing but have been so busy with professionals etc

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