Raw materials

Whenever I do "DIY Knickerbocker Glories" for my family, I think that the adults get as much fun from making their creations as do the youngsters. So having to produce a four course lunch for five today with very little time, I thought I would try it out on my women friends, a group who meet in each other's homes every couple of months. They are rather formal ladies so I wasn't sure quite how they would take to it, but they loved it! The best bit was the squirty cream - none of them had ever seen it before!

Besides the squirty cream there are sliced strawberries, crushed meringues, strawberry jelly, chocolate sprinkles, pink sprinkles, sugar butterflies, edible glitter in pink, gold and silver, wafer fans, paper umbrellas and, finally,(still in the freezer), home made vanilla ice cream. I must say that their creations were not as spectacular as those of the children, but they were pretty good for first timers.

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