
By snap_in_my_day

Wednesday 1st May 2024... New Beginnings...

I had an appointment with my wonderful GP, he's happy with my wounds... First time in 4 weeks I actually put on weight, boo... It's taken the hospital 4 weeks post surgery to forward the results to him and the growth was Cancer, so we're glad it's gone and he thinks they got clear margins as it was a bit vague and used some Urology wording... I chased the hospital for my Surgery follow-up and results appointment that they said would be 4 - 6 weeks but I've still got to wait another 4 weeks till the 30th May for that appointment so it'll be 8 weeks post surgery to find out what happens next...
Today I started at HELP - Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Program - It runs once a week for 7 weeks for 2 hours each week... Then once a month sessions after that... I'm ready for change for ME and I need some guidance and support..
David also joined me up to MBRR - Moreton Bay Road Runners Club - it's not just for runners as they have walking groups/sessions as well, son Ruben is already in this club and I see them all when I take Ruben to their sessions so my plan is to get walking while they are running, this club also organises the Jetty2Jetty event in July and David signed the 3 of us up to do the 3km and they'll walk with me... Our friend Brenton is also the President and a coach of the club, he's a great inspiration and supports me with hugs everytime I see him and he'll encourage me lots...

So I'm going to be trying to eat healthier and walk more... Please send me positive vibes xxx

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