
By savor

My Baby

About Me: I am still exhausted from driving 10 hrs yesterday!!

The Shot:
MEET blondie. This is my baby. I love her to death. Actually, If she were my real baby I'd probably be in jail right now for neglect. I NEVER practice. When things get hectic...practice is the first thing that goes. Plus, I never said I was disciplined. I can ONLY play parts of a lot of songs and none all the way through except Hey JOE! Even then I have to remind myself of the notes. I've been playing for about 2 years.

What I learned: I think I've got macro and DOF down pat. ...I think (although I'm not using a macro lens). I am using my ONLY lens. These are my best shots technically.

What i savor: Simply put...macro is fun. I really like trying to make common subjects anonymous with macro. As soon as I have more money to invest...I just might get an actual macro lens. But, first...I really want 70-200mm lens. Then...a 5!!!


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