
By ZE1Christie

Adam Christie Memorial Head

Another stunning day, sunshine all day, a beautiful sunset after 9pm.  Warm and fairly calm. 

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  A morning meeting and boarding flights, then the check-in desk in the afternoon.  All flights pretty much on time.  Headed along a Christie family night on my way home.  Aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and more.  Off to bed early again tonight.  

It's 40 years this year since the book about great grand uncle, Adam Christie, 'The Gentle Shetlander', came out.  AC enthusiast, Dave Ramsey has marked the occasion, by commissioning Brain Wylie to carve a memorial head, only using simple tools Adam used.  BW also did a head for Montrose, where AC stayed at Sunnyside hospital.  The stone they used in Montrose came from Cunningsburgh, and this stone came from Montrose.  AC carved a memorial plaque in 1930 for Robert Burns in Montrose, linking the Montrose Burns Club to join forces with us.  They've recently bought 11 AC carved heads, preserving them for future generations.  The stunning memorial head will be placed outside AC's house at Aith later this year, for all to visit.  Pictured with the Christie siblings L-R - Brian Wylie, uncle Leonard, aunt Alma, aunt Joan, dad, Dave Ramsey and Dave Clark from MBC.  Taken at the Adam Christie Memorial outside the Cunningsburgh History Hut. 

Extra photos, 1st Cousin Leona's bairns, youngest of the Christie clan.  

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