
By Brookeside

Lunch with Granny and Great Granny

Today mummy was off work and so I decided I would get up very early. So early daddy hadn't even left for work yet! Luckily I thought I would give mummy a break and go back to sleep after 30 minutes. When I did actually get up we were rushing around to make it to baby sensory on time. Baby sensory was fun. It was a party theme and we played fun games and sang songs. We all got a present of a ball. I was very excited by this and chased my ball all over the big mat whilst pointing at it and shouting ball. When we left baby sensory I had a sleep then we went to do a bit of shopping and get some lunch. We met Granny and Great Granny (granny's mum!). It was great fun. Great granny tried to steal my water bottle! Then I got to play with the toys in the cafe. Then we went home and daddy came home from work. I spent some time navigating the living room on my own for a while and also played with my favourite toy - my elephant. I learned two new words today - gone and bubble! Over the last few days I've really been using my words a lot. My favourite one is go but I also like to say 'in' as I'm putting things away and ta whenever I hand something to mummy :)

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