My friend Lianne

This is my friend Lianne, originally from Scotland but living now in Germany. She came for a short visit to Scotland, so some of other mutual friends and I arranged to meet up with her this evening, since we hadn't seen her for ages!

This is why I'm blipping so late, by the way, because I met my friends for dinner straight after work.

I was very tired and I have to get up early for work tomorrow morning, so I didn't stay long.

I didn't have the big camera with me, so I made an attempt of a portrait with my small camera. It didn't come out very well, so I decided to go a bit creative...

It's been a really busy day at work and, after meeting my friends as well, I'm feeling exhausted, so sorry I won't be able to catch up with you this evening but I'll try my best tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice and fun comments on my silly blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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