Everyday Life

By Julez


She stayed over for a night with us last night. This meant we could finally see the last two episodes of Ted Lasso. As she'd been watching it with us she had asked us to wait for her.

I don't think this really will be the end of the story, I feel there could be at least spin off series, as there were loose ends.

This morning we all slept in late, and Grace and I have just read and chatted all morning. Brian went out again and has an interesting Blip of something historical happening in town.*

I made us some vegan biryani for lunch and some chai latte. We watched some wrestling! First time in years and I didn't know who most of them were..

Grace made the book mark in the thumbnail at school when she was about 8. She put spiders all over it and the words "spiders read too" in an attempt to get me to not be scared of spiders. It didn't work! She's still using the bookmark all these years later.

It's been lovely having some time with her. She's driving back to Leeds now and Brian and I are going to Tesco to get the weekly shop out of the way.

* I don't mean that history was being made in Lincoln today. An event was taking place to feature some of the city's previous history.

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