
By biddy

Painting with my granddaughter.. …..

…., this afternoon.
I was showing her how to use watercolours, using sponges, washes and other various techniques
We had a very good messy time!
And a drink and chocolate muffin (courtesy of Stephen) in the summerhouse, where she could watch the birds coming and going from the nest box.
Another session will be organised at some point to finish her picture.
We had a great time last night.
The theatre was packed.Carlos Acosta retired from Classical Ballet, but now performs using Modern dance techniques. He is stunning to watch and choreographed the set pieces himself. The whole thing was performed solely by him and his partner. How on earth they manage to do some of the moves is incredible!
He is almost 51 years old now.
Soon be time for dinner so I’ll stop here. I’m behind catching up but will get there!

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