
By Boomerang

Furry critter

I encountered this furry caterpillar negotiating the track on the Kildavie-Langamull circular walk this morning. It seems that it might be a Drinker Moth caterpillar and looks very much like another caterpillar that I came across on another track a few days ago.
Apart from the caterpillar, there was quite a lot going on in the natural world as Bertie and I strolled along in the sunshine. Early on, two greylag geese flew our way and circled around us at quite a low level for about five minutes, squawking incessantly the whole time before they continued on their way and left us in peace. Although this seemed quite mysterious behaviour by the geese, the sounds of the multitude of the much smaller birds I heard from then on were much more interesting. The sound of two stones being knocked together led me to several stonechat sightings, and the fishing reel being wound quickly was definitely several grasshopper warblers but these very shy birds were far too well hidden for me to spot any of them. All in all, quite an exciting walk.

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