Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day ........................ for 'best laid schemes'

For those of you who might be interested in where Will eventually got to yesterday, you can find it here.  I can tell you though, that the original plan had to change and at present, he's stuck at Stage 5 of his journey.  Also, the mode of transport that will take him on the final stage will be different from the one planned?!

As for me, I had nothing planned - but I was looking forward to a quiet day in the garden.  That didn't quite happen - at least, not for the whole day - but I did manage a bit of weeding and general tidying up.  It's been a wonderful year so far, for blossom on the fruit bushes and trees.  The above are on a small blueberry bush which is absolutely laden with flowers this year.

Lets hope it's planning to turn them all into juicy, black berries .....................!   

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