
By Colstro

London Skyline

After a very busy two weeks, sometimes difficult, sometimes exciting, sometimes depressing, sometimes exciting, we were able to get into London to take a break from our hectic activities by visiting the theatre.  Admittedly there was a train strike today, which made the travelling difficult and so we decided to book a hotel for the night in case it proved impossible to travel home.

We went to the National Theatre to see "Nye" about Aneurin Bevan and the founding of the National Health Service.  It was a very powerful and superbly produced play and provided just the distraction we needed after the last two weeks.

I have been taking photographs every day as usual, but have not found the time to post any of them to my Blip journal until now, so I have now posted around two weeks' worth of blips at the same time. I have also not had time to visit others' journals, so apologies for the lack of comments.  I expect life to remain very busy for some weeks to come, but hopefully not quite as hectic as the last fortnight,

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