
Short Blip...still recovering from yesterday's party. My brain is fried so I will just say that everything went really well and the party was a huge success! My mom was able to make it and she approved of my pulled pork!! As a matter of fact there was none left!
This shot was a good choice because it shows the most amount of action going on. It was probably a record amount of people this year. The food was amazing so I want to thank everyone for their contributions. A very happy birthday to my oldest son, Christopher ! After all he is the reason we started this annual tradition. Speaking of traditions, my cousin Pam was able to stop by with her mom and she is the reason I started blip! Thank you Pam, it was great to see you yesterday! Pam's mom and my mom are sisters and I got a great shot of them both yesterday here.
I need to have a day of R&R today....possible the rest of the weekend too!! Haha.

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