
By karenmace25


Another scorcher of a day! Even hotter than yesterday - can I complain about it being TOO hot yet....!?!  did wander in the garden last night but no luck on the aurora happening again.. I have put my pictures on Instagram if anyone is over there and wants a look - please follow me and I'll follow back! Instagram link

A little wander to the local horticultural society shop today and picked up a few hanging basket plants so I can pretend I'm trying to plan what is going where!  did plant  up some little pots in the shade out the front this morning so that's one less job to worry about.

Hiding in the shade this afternoon reading, and  noticed this clematis has started to flower.

It's also M.E/CFS awareness today, and I've had M.E for more years than I care to think about.  And yet there's still no cure or treatment so you're kind of on your own to find your own ways of coping and dealing with the extreme fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog etc etc..... hopefully days like this will bring more awareness to the condition and maybe a cure will be found one day... I hope they hurry up!

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