The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Magical Morning

Back in 2018, we had our Suffolk holiday in October and had a magical experience when we quite unexpectedly witnessed a gathering of Stone Curlews ready to migrate. A couple of years ago in the Spring, I found an area where they nest, and today we went back for the third time to see if they were still using it. We set off at 6:30 and walked to the area, and sure enough, we saw 2 pairs. They were at a great distance, so the shot isn’t the best and is heavily cropped, but I’m just thrilled to have seen them again. After that, we took a walk down to the Island Mere Hide at Minsmere where we had a great couple of hours with views of Marsh Harriers, Bittern and Bearded Tits. And we were still back in time for lunch.

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