Today's the day

By sheilwill

Sedge Warbler

Today's the day ...................... for magic

We've got to that time of the year when going for a simple walk that you've probably done hundreds of times before, becomes a magical experience.  There are so many new plants, birds, insects and other wildlife that have appeared - almost overnight.  And they're all doing their thing to make sure the next generation carries on where they leave off.  

I was alerted to the above by the magic that is the Merlin App on my phone.  He was making so much noise that it was easy to find him amongst the reeds - and although my picture wasn't the best because of them - I'm really pleased to have identified a new (to me) species.  They are actually quite a fascinating little bird - and if you want to know more, you can find it here.

And then, in extras - who knew that holly trees have cute little flowers at this time of year, before they become berries .....................?! 


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