A time for everything

By turnx3

Grey skies and muddy waters

Not a particularly pretty picture, but the only thing I took today, and I wanted to record it. I have mentioned once or twice recently the plans to drain and dredge Sharon Woods Lake, to improve the water quality. This is one of our popular places to walk, especially when we don’t have too much time. We originally heard about the project pre-Covid, but apparently it became evident it was going to cost more than originally thought, and of course Covid delayed things anyway. Last Spring, we noticed that they never put the row boats, pedal boats and kayaks back in the water, and the fishing/rental office never opened, so we thought it was imminent then, but nothing further happened! However, now they have started draining the lake, but Mother Nature isn’t cooperating, and keeps trying to fill it up again! Roger had stopped by about a week ago, to see the progress, and he said there was more water there today, after a couple of nights of big storms passing through. It’s good news for the birds, such as herons and ospreys, but bad news for the fish! The reason we were over in that area today, was to pick up our camper from its storage facility, in order to de-winterize it, and for Roger to do a couple of little jobs inside, before we head down to Georgia in a weeks time, to meet up with Jen for a week at Jekyll Island. Other than that, it was a day for housework and indoor activities, before choir in the evening - no handbells for a few weeks.

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