
By MumOf4Wildlings


My student wasn't in today. So myself and Sarah managed some time on the climbing frame. So some progress had been made. It was piddling down. I'm glad of waterproofs.  She's borrowing her sisters drill tomorrow and if my student isn't in then hopefully we will get it finished.  Work has been too busy the last few weeks to do anything to the frame. That and we don't have the best of tools. I've used my set but the rest is begged and borrowed . I may ask for a tool set for my birthday.  
Sarah did make me giggle. I'm about a foot taller than most people at work, and she needed a chair for the top half. I'd love to have it finished soon. And it felt great being outside in the fresh air. Even of it was chucking it down for a while. 

It should be martial arts tonight.  But I told the wildlings a sneaky white lie that it was cancelled.  I'm tired and I have loads of school uniforms to iron and beds' to change. Being out the house most days has it's disadvantages.  Tomorrow all the wildlings have the dentist after school.  I may attempt a jog once they're in bed. My shins hurt from the other night. My friend has been doing the couch to 5k for a few weeks. So we started running for 5 mins straight away before the 2 minute walk. I might just start at 3 minutes instead of one. We will see. 

Is it bed time yet . Hehe 

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