
By Schoenies

Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk

We went to Addo today and had some lovely sightings. There were elephants everywhere - in the lush green bush and at the waterholes. I was excited to see this lovely raptor at a waterhole enjoying drinking and having a bath. I had just been saying to hubby that I hadn't seen many raptors lately. 
We enjoyed our usual brunch at the lovely Jack's Picnic place. I really need to change the menu of pork sausages, boiled eggs. fresh rolls, salad and coffee. I always send a selfie to the kids overseas, and they know exactly what we are  eating!!
The extras are of the elephants - we had such lovely sightings as usual.
A special day - Addo never disappoints. So much better than sorting out my study. Tomorrow is another day....

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