Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


It's been another gorgeous day! Little Man had nursery this morning and we went together on my bike (see the extra). I'd bought a seat for him a while ago, which attached to my bike's handlebars (see that here) but it didn't work out as I'd hoped. So when we went to the second-hand shop last week I bought a seat for the back. Little Man really enjoyed the ride today. It was a lot of fun and I'm planning to go on a few more bike rides with him over the coming months.

I had work in Woerden today, so I biked there as soon as I'd dropped Little Man off. We spent the morning packing hosepipes into bags. From there I did a spot of shopping before coming home. My parents collected Little Man from nursery and he was asleep when I got home. I had to wake him up as I didn't want him to sleep too long and then struggle going to bed this evening. Caleb came for dinner, which we all enjoyed. We were going to sit in the garden but it started raining just before we sat down so I brought everything back in and set the table inside.

One of the cats were sitting on the trampoline again and I had to get a photo.

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