Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Project:: Memory Book

A few days ago I shared a picture of the cover for my 5 year memory book and this is what it looks like inside. I've spend a good amount of time over the last few days back filling it for this year (I'm about two thirds of the way through February now). The going will be a lot easier once I get it up to date.

Little Man went back to nursery after two weeks holiday. It's safe to say that he was thrilled. He loves it. He went down for a sleep when we got home and he'd had a bite to eat. We went for a walk and played in the paddling pool before it started raining. Mum and I made dinner for us all. It was a lovely quiet evening.

We watched the funeral of a good friend of ours in England, who had passed away a few weeks ago from a heart attack. She and her husband have been family friends for longer than my parents have been married. My sister was almost born in her home.

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