
By ayearinthelife


After my visit to the torture chamber - sorry, dentist - yesterday, I thought I’d better get some new interdental brushes, as the old ones were looking a bit worn.
I use these to try and lessen the time spent with the hygienist as I cannot stand the water jet thing they use to remove plaque - I always feel like I’m drowning! Yesterday seemed worse than usual, but I did get some praise for my teeth cleaning routine and a couple of suggestions as to how it can be improved. I’ll implement these immediately, in the hope that the next visit is less painful.
By comparison, the actual check up with the dentist was a breeze. Everything fine, apart from the perennial question of what to do with the two damaged teeth. The “temporary” filling on the one I cracked last year continues to hold and I really can’t afford the crown the dentist wants me to have. So we’ve agreed to leave that one in abeyance for the time being. But the wisdom tooth that broke several years ago is now in a “critical” state. The dentist has wanted to remove it for a good while now, but I’ve always refused on the grounds that a) it doesn’t hurt or cause me any bother and b) I’m petrified of having it done!! But it’s now at the stage where it might not come out easily any more and would require a major attack on my jaw. He fully understands my nervousness (fear!) and says he would only proceed if I was completely happy. I’m not sure I’d ever be “completely” happy, but I am finally coming round to the idea that it will have to come out.
We agreed that no firm decision has to be made until the next check up in six months time. That’s six months to implement a rigorous oral hygiene and find some courage…

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