secret garden

By freespiral


A truly dismal day - lashing rain, cold and grey. I did well work in the morning and HImself made himself a rather sinuous walking stick out of a bough of holly. Then we were truly outrageous and watched the last episode of Bodkin - in the afternoon! I hope my mother wasn't watching, she'd have been horrified - daytime telly a strict no no, unless seriously poorly when you were allowed to come down to the sofa, get wrapped up in an eiderdown and watch something! Andy Pandy etc must have been the exception to the rule. Anyway, I shall say no more about that until I've conversed with SeriousFrolic!

We then went out to the cinema, the first time since Barbie when Himself came back with Covid! That they may face the rising sun is an exquisitely slow, meditative, melancholy film based on a John McGahern story. Richly filmed, beautifully observed, oozing with kindness and empathy - no one in the audience could move until the last credits and the lights came up and then we all sort of sat in a reveries. Highly recommended for an authentic bit of Irishness. 
Chips were then taken, enjoyed watching the setting sun, the rain and the clouds at the end of the pier.
The little daisies spotted emerging flamboyantly from the Lodge of Bantry House.

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