Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Needed a long lie in today but felt OK when I finally surfaced.  

This afternoon I headed up towards Sunniside  to get my blip shot.  The Wide Wednesday theme is 'Landscape '.  There isn't much countryside near to my house so this view is the best I could get.  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

After getting my blip I did intend catching a bus to the Co-op.  I got to the stop, checked the app which said bus was due in 2 mins.  2 mins came and went.  App still said 2 mins.  The bus after that was showing as 17 mins away.  I waited about 10 more mins.  The first bus disappeared off the app.  Next bus still showed it was due in 17 mins.  Couldn't be bothered to wait another 17 mins so I headed for home.  Of course as soon as I was a few yards away from the stop the bus sped past me.  Sods Law!.

I was tempted to sit down with a cup of coffee and watch TV but I " forced " myself to get out into the cat enclosure and do a bit of a tidy up.  I pulled out all the weeds and pruned the overgrown bushes. Its looking a lot better now ... and the garden bin is full.

Weather today was dry and warm but rather dull and hazy.

Listened to the match on the radio this evening.  Newcastle were playing away against Manchester United.  Both teams made mistakes and it was a fast paced game .  In the end the final score was Man Utd 3 Newcastle 2.  A win for Newcastle would have secured European football next season.  However all is not lost yet - there is still a slight chance of it being possible... depending on whether Newcastle win on Sunday ... and what the scores are for other teams. 

Steps today - 7,343

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