Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones


Barbara helped me with baking this morning and we got finished in good time to take a walk at Park End Moss. There was a Garganey male to see, a reed bunting and some herons.
Barbara wanted to stop at Low Sizergh Barn for some cheese, and then there was a torrential downpour just as we got back to the car.
We headed for Oxenholme station to pick up Rob and Tony, to find that a broken down train had stop all movement, and they were trapped at Carlisle!
We decided to wait for a while to see if things were sorted out, and they eventually arrived at 5, 2 hours late! But they had had a good survey trip and seen porpoises and skuas, and been ashore in Amsterdam. So a worthwhile adventure!
Imogen is looking cool!

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