
By justbrian

sunlight on poppies

after a manic night shift I cycled home in glorious weather, sunny and positively balmy at 12 degree celcius !

I've not experienced a night quite like it for some time, the downside to it all was that an officer who works in Newcastle looks like he might lose the sight in one eye after having ammonia thrown in his face and another Officer in South Tyneside was repeatedly head butted, both were really nasty attacks on the local Constabulary and unprovoked, the upside to this, if there can be one is that people have been arrested for both offences.

This morning my thoughts are with them, both badly assaulted whilst just doing their job.

I somehow think that the punishment won't really fit the crime.

Sorry for the unashamed mini rant but having been awake now for almost twenty seven hours and no signs of feeling tired I had to say something.

Good luck to the Lions today, I'm hoping for a win anything will do ! looking forward to the Ashes starting next week, should be a good series.

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