
By dunkyc

A Gentleman in Kendal

It has been a very strange day, but cathartic in its own way.

Work has been incredibly quiet. A lot of people are off on a Wednesday anyway, but coupled with the fact that so many of my team are off at a trade show (yes, a trade show for INSURANCE - you can only begin to imagine the levels of dullness) it resulted in having little to no colleagues to refer to! 

The wee ones arrived early evening and I leapt into action to make a fish pie, which was surprisingly easy and to the best of my knowledge we’ve all survived it.

I was particularly pleased to see m’boy and find him so relaxed. He’s had SATs this week and was initially quite stressed about the whole affair, but everything seems to have settled down now and he only has one day left.

The evening was spent in good company and ensured the continuation of a highly valued friendship, which I am very pleased about and privileged to have.

The adjustment to single life once more is always a difficult one (hey, it’s not like I haven’t had the practice!) and I am very fortunate to be surrounded by the best family and friends a chap could wish for. 

There’s also another unread book in the house for me to get my nose stuck into and plenty of jobs around the house to do, which should keep me out of mischief!

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