
By flavia13


Sorry I couldn't resist manipulating the Spacy Odyssey title as obviously this is the only time I can use the 2001 bit!!!

I am researching somewhere else to visit, hopefully next week, but for this week I decided we would visit Skipton Castle.  I've been to Skipton a few times, in fact I have a niece who lives there but I've never actually been in the castle.

We left nice and early.  We went via the A590 over the M6 and onto the A65, past Kirkby Lonsdale and Settle.  No problems on the road, just the odd tractor of course but didn't slow us down much. A good journey.

We arrived at The Bailey Car Park by 10:20, not bad as the Castle opens at 10.00 am!!!  We were greeted very nicely by the car park attendant.  Cost £4.50 all day.  Now I don't think that's bad value at all.

We then walked on down the hill to the castle.  Was greeted again by a lovely lady, who gave us a guide and advised where we could get coffee and facilities, the two most important  places of any visit for me!!!

The coffee shop is very pleasant but quite basic really, only filter coffees or a pot of tea but still enough for what we wanted.  

Unfortunately, sort of, we arrived at exactly the same time as a herd of school children (;-)) so it was a tad noisy.  Still we worked our way around them very nicely.  The only place we didn't visit was the dungeons as it was quite dark to get down there  and I didn't want to be tripping over any kiddywinkles as well as looking out for the footing.

A very well maintained and incredibly clean castle.  It is very full of history and if, like hubby, you like to read all the notices in each room you will be in your element.  I just took photos of the rooms and of the blurb so I can read them whilst editing.

Really you are only going round empty rooms all the time, but they do provide info and we bought a guide book so we can read all about the history.  It only took us just  over an hour.  We did enjoy our visit but it would have been nice if they could have had at least one room kitted out as it would have been.  

The castle is inescapably linked to The Clifford Family who were granted the property by Edward II in 1310, when Robert Clifford was appointed first Lord Clifford of Skipton and Guardian of Craven, the wide tract of countryside to the north and west of Skipton.  The redoubtable Lady Anne Clifford was born in the castle in 1590.  If you are interested in the history do click on that section in the link.

After the castle I wanted to visit Skipton Castle Woods, so we popped back up to the car to change our footwear and had a good hour an a half's walk through the woods. 

That was such a lovely walk,  we did most of the walk, only missing out the very final section beyond the long dam  and the way back to the sawmill, which we somehow managed to miss!!!  I was getting so hot now that I had to take my lightweight cardi OFF!!!!!

After crossing over the river we turned a corner and came across this wee beastie.  I first saw it just as I turned a corner and it made me jump as I saw the antlers head on and silhouetted so I first of all thought it was a real one!!!!  Unfortunately the photos I took at that angle have turned out blurry, I think it's because I've been experimenting with the VR switch on and should have turned it off for that shot!!!  This one was taken with my phone after we'd crossed back over the river again.

We continued with our walk, we found a bench to sit on which was even just a bit too high for Hubby to sit with his feet on the ground (he is 6'2") so  mine were well and truly dangling - it did make us laugh though.

As we walked along by the river we saw a duck with her baby and a heron.  Heard loads of bird song and the wild garlic looked gorgeous but in a valley like that it could be at times a bit pungent.

We arrived back at the card about 1 O'clock and we were feeling hungry, so we headed on down into Skipton to find somewhere for lunch.  The first couple of places we saw Hubby didn't fancy, we tried one other place but it was full so eventually plumped  on a cafe called The Coffee Mill down Otley Street.  It was OK, but not great.  The cappuccino was lovely but too big for me.  The only cold drinks they had were juices or squash so hubby opted for one of those.  We had home-made welsh rarebit with a small side salad.  I do wish when they provide side salad they would provide a dressing as it is too dry without one.  Still it was OK.  I've since discovered that we were actually right opposite a highly recommended place call Bean Loved - aaarghh, if only we'd seen that.  Still there is always another time!!

We then just came home via the A65 again.  No problems at all, in fact pretty quiet really. 

Quite a lot of my photos are somewhat blurry, even those I didn't experiment with having the VR switch on, so I don't know what I've done.  I probably need to look at the autofocus settings, but haven't got a  clue what to look out for.  Somewhat disappointing but it still doesn't detract from the lovely day out. 


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