Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I didn't sleep much last night. :(

So it was great when G picked me up on her way back from school. The car a/c hasn't worked for a while, but repeated attempts to get it seen by the garage resulted in no action, as it eventually worked. Today, it well and truly gave up the ghost.

Poor G had a colleague she was bringing into town in the car. She was very pragmatic. If she didn't have the ride back, she would be walking in the sun to a bus stop, then waiting, etc etc (you get the picture).

We drove straight to the garage. During my last visit, two weeks ago, they said they wanted to see the car when the problem was presenting itself. My blip is taken on the way there. 48 degrees C with no air-conditioning is not funny. We had hot air blowing on us - hotter than any heater I have ever experienced. G looked like a lobster when she got to the garage. I guess it was good for them to see that as well. Today, we finally had a word with the manager about the quality of the service from the dealer's garage.

They are still overwhelmed with casualties from the storm a month ago so it seemed a waste to leave the car there for an uncertain amount of time, so we brought it home, hoping that it would work after the sun had gone down. It didn't. G (finally) got her apple pie at a French cafe in Wafi. :(

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