New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Pure Glasgow

After yesterday not turning out as planned, today didn't either.  I was really enjoying my cycle home in the sunshine when a very small moth flew into my ear and got stuck.  Needless to say, it's difficult to describe how horrible it is to feel something wriggling against your ear drum unless you've had it happen to you.  I didn't really know what to do and a lovely lady stopped in the park after hearing me make some strange noises and looked in my ear - she couldn't see anything.  So I asked P to meet me at our old doctor's surgery jsut to see if they could help or if I needed to go to A&E. 

Despite no longer being patients, the receptionist ushered me in to see the doctor who was in (who had also once had a very small fly in his ear and said it was agony due to the volume of the wings beating so close to his ear drum) and he very kindly got some pincers and deftly pulled the moth out. I don't think I've ever been so thankful in my life.  He advised to not cycle home in case my balance was affected so I squeezed the bike in the back of the car and ended up heading into town with P. 

We got some food from Yeros and ate it in the park, and whilst we were doing that a pipe band appeared and started to practice.  There's something quite moving about the sound on a warm spring evening in a busy Kelvingrove and it really just strenghtened my love for Glasgow. 

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