
By soozaday

Bright Spots

I’m not sure if we’ll get any more varieties this year. There are thick stands of iris that clearly aren’t going to flower; I think they are not getting enough sun, plus they are crowding each other out. I will need to divide and replant, but the problem is that I don’t know which is which so it’s a crap shoot to find the ones that I want to save.  I’m just going to have to go for it and take a chance on losing some. In the meantime, there are plenty to enjoy. This is the best time of year in our garden. Well, except for the part about the sun not coming out for the second day in a row. The iris glow more in this gloomy light, so that’s a plus.

I spent a lot of time on my sweater unraveling project. I think it was much easier to knit it in the first place than to unknit (or tink, which is knit backwards…).

Time to go start the pizza for dinner. 

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