A New Day

By ANewDay

Hanging Baskets - Grounded!

These are the baskets that I planted out a few weeks ago and which have grown reasonably well, but the plants are not hanging as much as I'd expected. They are sitting on pots on the ground so that they are easier for our friends to water while we are away.

The flowers in the troughs behind were actually supposed to be in pots by now, but because of my sore back I've been unable to deal with them yet. May try this afternoon, if my husband will lift everything up to waist level for me!!

I'm packed already, but my husband hasn't even started yet, so he'd better be ready for an early get a
way tomorrow:-) Hope to have wi-fi everywhere we go, so I'll be able to follow your journals.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

PS Managed to get all the plants potted up this afternoon with a lot of help from my husband and I've added a picture to my Blipfolio here. Just hope they have filled out a bit when we get home:-)

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