Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Having seen a notice outside the local Methodist Church a few days ago that there was a “Sing-In” on Thursday evening from 6-7 pm and everyone was welcome, I decided to go along. What a friendly bunch of people! They made me very welcome - but Mr HCB said he wouldn’t come as he says he’s not a singer - not true because he has rather a good voice but he’s not quite as outgoing as me!

It didn’t finish until 7.45 but it was great and I really enjoyed the singing. Because I’m having my cataract operation next week, I don’t suppose I will get to sing at church for a while so it was good to go and especially to chat to all the lovely people afterwards.

The sun was shining brightly this morning and it was quite warm, so we didn’t really want to drive, so decided to go for a walk towards the other end of the village, and ended up having a coffee in The Whortleberry Tearoom. I just had coffee and cream BUT as you can see, Mr HCB had a huge piece of cake - and not just any old cake but a huge piece of their signature “Apple and Whortleberry Cake - served warm with Clotted Cream”!

The eagle-eyed among you may notice that there is a further plate underneath Mr HCB’s BUT I resisted having even a mouthful - although Mr HCB did offer - and just watched him enjoy it, so am feeling very virtuous!

Following the mammoth cake and clotted cream snack, we went for a wander around the village - mainly for Mr HCB to walk it off. As a nod to Flower Friday, I’ve included a beautiful yellow rose - and the house whereon it was growing and the iris in the churchyard, with another shot of the Church - and you can see the beautiful blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

Whilst walking, we passed Chantry Cottage with a very old and weathered door - so that completes the extra collage.

Thank you again for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for my previous Blips. I am very grateful to you all, and will get back to commenting once we are back home. Wherever you are. I hope the sun shines on you and you have a great weekend. M xx

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