TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

17/05/2024_Not the hospital

So, I was at the hospital yesterday – bad start pulled up after struggling to park and realised my phone was 10 miles away, at home, so no diary, email correspondence or games to play while I waited and by extension no camera so no blip.

The appointment started 20 minutes late or 28 hours early based on the original timing.  As expected after the general stuff he wants an MRI before offering a diagnosis or treatment.  He said he’d arrange things so I guess it’s sit and wait (or contact his secretary in due course).
Today G phoned in a panic needing to get to his GP (he hasn’t driven since his stroke in 2015) – his blood test results for his liver and kidneys are worrying so they wanted to run them again before a hospital referral.
So, this was me sitting in the waiting room trying to stay calm and not worry him further!

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