Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Day of rest

The plan was to have a lie in, sadly my body alarm clock didn't listen. I got an extra hour and a half. Lol!

I headed down to Neath first to deliver a couple of bags of books to a charity shop. And then it was off to Swansea and of course I popped into Waterstones and bought new books. Do you think I'm mad?! Lol!

I decided to have a chai latte in the cafe upstairs and chill out. Well it was a day off.

A quiet afternoon then of reading.

A lovely day.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A slight lie in
2.  Delivering books to a grateful charity
3.  Stocking up on new books
4.  Enjoying a chai latte and watching the world go by

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