
By samsticks

Key Players 5: Jazz Dan

This is the 5th in my 'Key Players' series, which aims to introduce people that travel along and make me who I am.

Had a shocking night's sleep last night. The Little Goblin is really testing us at the moment, what with everything else that's been going on.

Tonight we were supposed to be celebrating our friend Melly's 30th birthday in London with all of our UK friends. Alas this was not to be and we're still here in Melbourne. There must be a reason that this all happened. Time will tell what it is.

Had quite a social day - went over to Patch and Laura's place for coffee and a catch-up and then had dinner with our friends Dan and Toni. Thankfully Miles decided to sleep in the portacot, so we actually had a nice uninterrupted meal.

We met Dan on a walk to Isla del Sol in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, nearly 5 years ago. At the time we were all travelling and we hit it off well, so stuck together for a while and some fun times. When we moved to Melbourne, we hit him and his now wife Toni up and we see them when we can. Dan is a very accomplished pianist (although, like me, music isn't his day job), and is extremely dedicated to all things jazz.

He's quite a character. Great fun. :)

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