
By amandoAlentejo

Tom's Tiger

Tom's second attempt at making sourdough tiger bread, where you paint the surface with a rice and sesame seed paste, and end up with this crunchy mottled crust. The first one didn't look as professional, but certainly tasted good - we had it for lunch today, with a grilled cheesy topping.

Not sure where all the day has gone, just shopping, cooking, washing, sweeping... normal household stuff. 

- an outing to the Jericho Project with Mike and Eden; Mike came back with wood for a cat flap for Rio, and Eden and I with a stack of books, which have all been read several times already
- Julia having a good day on the labour ward
- Ermelinda and Cecílio's grandson, Diogo, arriving safely (on Wednesday, but forgot to put it on Blip)

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