Capital adventures

By marchmont

Summer in the city

Getting the jag on the right arm certainly sides sleep but it was still really sore and so I didn't swim. 

I thought the solar guy was coming at 9.30 but turned out it was later so I had time to go to the PO first, 2 packages winging their way back plus a lesson from Y on Barclay's meds..

After he'd gone I had a stop start journey into town: spoke to M and G in their gardens, bought velcro and weights in Newington, dropped off foam chips on the Bridges and walked to M& S to pick up the delivery. The haar had burnt off but there was still a snell wind. 

The last bus was to Bruntsfield for lunch, 3 hours, with K. We had a good catch up and set the world to rights. We ended up talking about the state of our prisons and her despair that some of her colleagues still sentence people to less than 12 months despite the evidence that this is totally counter productive, and very expensive. 

I then got the bus homeward, completing my big circular journey but I was so tired I couldn't walk down from Kaimes so there was a bus #5. I then sat in the garden for over 2 hours, in the sun, but unable to move. I've checked and I'm sure it's the shingrax kicking in.

Fed the cats and crawled into bed before 8. And my arm is still sore. 

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