This photo was a selfie from 14th! The last day I could wear my 60th crown. We danced and I wore it to bed!!! :)))))

Half day at work then The Rev, O and new girlfriend P met me at school. The Rev had had a fall and was covered in mud. A bit bumped but ok. It was due to a very dodgy bit of pavement!?&!£!
We drove up to the local airfield where J works. Had some lunch together then J took his Dad around the hangar that is full of private jets worth millions. I think he loves this part of his job.
I had a very relaxing pedicure zzzzzz!
Then we went for dinner with Mum and A … to a renown Fish and chips restaurant. It was great to see Mum out and about (slowly but 3 weeks ago I wasn’t sure we’d get here).
The Rev has also spent all morning and parts of today visiting his step Dad …(Dan/Grandan) or on the phone with social services or medical staff as he is in a really bad way. Extremely dehydrated, chest infection, on oxygen but still at home…lots of changes needed re furniture. He’s now linked with virtual hospital what an amazing service.

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