madwill's world

By madwill

Iron Horse

It is Mrs madwill’s birthday today..and she joins the rank of Senior Citizens..although, sadly, the State Pension bureaucracy has yet to kick in and she has had no word from DWP about when she will actually get her pension..or indeed how much..despite several phone calls to them. I had got mine all sorted out well before my idea what they are playing at.

We went to a garden centre this morning for coffee and birthday cake and Mrs madwill purchased a load of bedding plants. This fabulous old machine - a British Azani Pedestrian Tractor - was lurking in one of the poly tunnels there. It is a fascinating machine..there is loads of info about it on t’interweb!

This afternoon I uncovered the barbecue and cleaned it all down as we are having the children and grandchildren around tomorrow for a celebration lunch. The fridge is full of burgers/sausages/chicken as well as a small tub of salad :-)

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