madwill's world

By madwill

Emergency Tank Blip

A full on day - with a small family barbecue/party for Mrs madwill’s birthday.

Spent the morning clearing up and prepping the food for lunch…then the event itself and trying to play badminton in the garden … a bit windy, but fun nevertheless. The grandchildren are exhausting!! The candles on the cake were a bit of a washout as we couldn’t get them to stay alight in the breeze. We did sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in any case.

Everyone had left by 4:30 and then we had a quick clear up.

Managed to grab a quick shot of my finished WW2 Cromwell model tank…resting on some cork ‘material’ I found in a cupboard.

We are cat sitting for the next week or so…our son is away for a few days and he brought his cat along today for us to look after. I am hoping it makes an appearance for a blip photo sometime! It doesn’t seem to want to come up if its hideyhole in the spare bedroom at the was kept in there whilst all the noise was going on around the house today.

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