
By Schoenies

Let's play!

Coda never tires of chasing balls, sticks, anything that can be thrown. I took the dogs to the Bark Park - second day is succession- today where they played with a different pack of dogs. There were some smaller dogs for Pumpkin to play with. She loves every minute of running around. Coda, as usual. found the biggest stick for us all to have turns throwing. But when Bailey, the Maltese puppy arrived, the stick was forgotten. She has taken such a liking to this tiny dog and it's lovely to see how gentle she is with her. And little Bailey on her second visit to the Bark Park was much less stressed and will soon be playing with the dogs I'm sure.
It's been a balmy Autumn day, no wind and beautifully warm. My kind of weather.
Have a good weekend all.

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