
By Jamjar

Thanks very much for all your congratulations yesterday!

I was down to be a Marshall again at Parkrun but when I got there they'd already got more than enough but no parkwalker. So I said I'd do that, at least I get some exercise doing that, although you start relatively near the front and finish near the back. There weren't very many people walking today so I was on my own, but that meant I could increase my pace.

Onto the charity shop, where it was a bit manic. I'd missed today's excitement, when a bloke rattled a locked up bike belonging to a customer so much that the lock broke and he rode off on it. Julie had gone outside and told him to stop because it wasn't his... oh yes it was he said! This sort of thing isn't really unusual in this area, he was off his head with drink or drugs and needed more money desperately. We don't physically challenge.

Home, a cuppa and then I walked to the allotment to water as no rain is forecast today or tomorrow and its going to be hot. Lots of people moaning about slugs and snails! When I got home again I did a bit of work in the garden - I found a young toad hopping about - and did my stretches. Now to sit down!

P.S. I assume its a toad as there's no water around.

4.27 miles

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