
By Jamjar

Six of us members (Burton Skyline Mountaineering Club) went climbing at Harpur Hill quarry today. I don't particularly like sport climbing in the UK, although it's a different matter abroad lol, but I enjoyed today much more than I thought I would. 

At 4pm we packed up and walked back to the cars, passing The Blue Lagoon on the way. There were quite a few young people swimming in it, in spite of its reputation and warning signs. I hope they're all okay.

After the pub (zero alcohol) I drove Fi back home, but unfortunately we were stopped by an accident on the A515. It had happened not long before, there was a motorbike and a crowd of people who had got out of their cars, no police or ambulance yet. We were about 10 cars away, and were able to turn round and take an alternative but longer route back. After dropping Fi I'd still got a further 20 minutes to drive, and arrived home at about 7pm.

My photos from today were all out of proportion, I must check my phone camera's settings!**

Edit ** I ended up clicking the reset button. I know I fiddled with the settings the other day... obviously wrongly!

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