There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Red-Winged Blackbird at the Marsh

My husband and I had errands in town, but first we ran over to Port Matilda to grab some hoagies and swing by our mechanic's to set an appointment. We had a thought that we might hike at Soaring Eagle Wetland; in fact, planned to do that.

So we had our hoagies, and then parked at the mechanic's. My husband ran in to talk to him, as I sat in the car and waited. I spotted a very low plane over Soaring Eagle Wetland, directly across the road from our mechanic, thought Hmm to myself, and then noticed that it was SPRAYING, like a crop-duster!

Well, I realized instantly what it was, and what it was doing. They are going great guns now locally, spraying for the moth formerly known as gypsy moth, now known as spongy moth. (Not unlike The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, they've had a name change.)

"IT'S THE RED BARON!!!" I thought to myself, with a giggle. I took the time to get out of the car and take some photos thinking that if all else failed, a plane shot could be my blip. I know JUST the SONG for that.  :-)

But when my husband came back out and wanted to go walking at Soaring Eagle, I informed him we were NOT going there, as it had just been sprayed! So we went up old route 220 about a half-mile to the Dreibelbis Birding Area (which I also refer to as the Miles Hollow or Julian Wetland) and that's where we walked instead.

The marsh was alive with the music of birds and amphibians. The big old bullfrogs were hollering, the sound like the plucking of many a banjo string, deep and low and reverberating. The cries of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoenicius) filled the air. Numerous wildflowers were in bloom, including dame's rocket, which I adore.

I don't know why, but of late, I've seldom gotten good pics of the red-winged blackbirds, so here is a photo of one for this day. This is a male; you can tell by the fact that it's black and has red and yellow epaulets on its shoulders. Its song is something else; when you hear it, you know exactly what it is!

Now for some music! Of course, I have to place a link here so that you may listen to the songs and calls of the red-winged blackbird, which are amazing. My own music selection for this image is from the film Across the Universe. The video I'm linking includes two songs, actually: Blackbird and Hey Jude, by Evan Rachel Wood, Joe Anderson, and Jim Sturgess

And just as a bonus round, I'm tossing in the song I would have used for the airplane shot. LOOK OUT, RED BARON! Snoopy is on your tail! Here are the Royal Guardsmen, with Snoopy vs. the Red Baron.

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